Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How Lovely are your feet?

Romans 10:15 As it is written 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'"

I remember the day I got the call like it was yesterday. My friend was calling about something very dear to my heart, something that would change our lives forever. That adoption call began our lifelong journey with child number five!  You see, she knew a friend, who had a daughter, who had a friend; well, you know the rest. Three months later we brought our newborn baby home and the rest is history. 
I'm not sure how beautiful my friend's feet actually are, but to me they are quite amazing! Her feet brought us good news, and we are grateful.

Proverbs15:30 "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." NIV

Do you have good news to tell someone? Are you holding back because you fear they won't receive it, or it sounds dumb? Let me encourage you, go, tell them what's on your heart, show them that you care. Your very words might be exactly what they need to turn their heart around.

If God used David to kill a giant, he can use you to save a life. 

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